

Dear Illuminati Silver Supporters,

We wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support since starting our YouTube Channel on 15th March 2015 and our website which was launched on 9th December 2015.

When we set up originally it was to provide genuinely ‘independent information’ on gold and silver and other precious metals. We were fully aware of those with ulterior motives who were encouraging people recklessly to place all of their savings into these products to avoid, and survive, imminent financial and US Dollar collapse – scaremongering tactics to encourage you to part with your apparently worthless dollars, pounds and Euros.

When we began we honestly thought this would be a relatively short-term venture just to help viewers and listeners onto ‘the right track’ and to shed light upon these scams. However, the positive response we received was overwhelming. To this day, (1st November 2018) without any financial promotion whatsoever, we now have in excess of 13,000 You Tube subscribers and nearly 2,000 members who have subscribed to our ‘FREE Membership’ list.

To be frank this has encouraged us, not only to continue with the Channel, but also to comprehensively expand both its reach and subject areas and our new website launched today which you are now viewing.

Now we have already indicated in our about us page that we are either retired/ or semi-retired, but some of us still hold Company Director positions (Non-precious metal companies) and some of us give occasional talks and undertake part-time consultancy work.

This means that we are not at all dependent on the income that we receive from this channel. However, we are also lifelong business people and whilst we do not wish to use the channel as a ‘cash cow’ we also do not wish it to draw financially from us either – our time is expensive enough to be frank which we give away here for free.

What this means is that we wish the channel to be self- funding. In other words, at least receive an income which covers the physical costs associated with the channel plus any outside resources we may have to pay for in order to receive the necessary information that we can then impart to you.

Rest assured, any monies we do receive are re-invested back into the channel either through additional technical innovations, acquiring of paid for research reports and employing research staff if and when necessary.

There are a number of ways we can receive income – From YouTube Ads (which generally pay very little); from book and course promotions (which pays miniscule amounts especially amazon related referrals); from memberships Bronze Silver and Gold (which will be the bulk of our revenue) and from any donations one is willing and able to make (see Donate button below).

All of these sources combined, to be frank, is less than what any one of us earns personally from a 2 – day consultancy project, but it does cover our costs and enables us to make a major contribution to knowledge and awareness and hopefully help you identify the right path for yourself.

For those who simply do not have the finances to make a donation or become a paid member – that is absolutely fine, you are still most welcome, and we would encourage you to sign up as a Free Member and hope and trust at least that you watch our videos, comment and share them with others.

For those who can and are willing to contribute please click on the Donate button below or if you wish to become a paid member please click on the membership button below the Donate button. Thank you for your support and let’s ride this path of enlightenment well into the future.



CEO Illuminati Silver

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