How it all started:
The YouTube Channel began in 2015 at a time when gold and silver had fallen some 40% – 60% since its 2011 highs.
Despite this, we still saw further downside and were horrified at the precious metal pumpers (many of whom were bullion dealers or earned a living within the Industry) whose sole aim was to persuade people to buy precious metals based on the ‘fear tactic’ that the world economies were going to collapse imminently and that the US Dollar would very soon be valueless overnight.
It was not the fact that these companies were trying to sell their wares that was concerning. It was the fact that they were using these scare tactics which worked on a large number of people; many of whom were practically encouraged to invest most, if not all of their savings, into gold and silver at prices which, any normal Investment manager or Industry Analyst new were in a bubble stage if not already at the pinnacle of that bubble. As private investors ourselves we could see clearly that from 2012 onwards there was an inevitable decline in price ahead.
What was more outrageous was that we were witnessing price predictions by these pumpers of $50,000 oz gold and $1,000 oz silver (and in some cases even higher) being touted (in one ludicrous case $100,000 oz silver) and realised that ‘innocent investors’ or ‘savers’ were being hoodwinked.
Equally pernicious were those who set up websites and YouTube channels pretending to offer ‘impartial advice’ on this subject area (and they still exist today) when they were, and are, actually sponsored by these precious metal companies; with the inevitable conclusion from their ‘independent research’ that you must buy gold and silver NOW before it’s too late.
We felt it was our moral duty (and YES some bankers and accountants can have morals) to provide accurate information, correct these deceptions and provide our view of where we saw the industry heading. We are pleased to say that from that time to this, we have been far more accurate; not only compared with these pumpers but also ‘industry experts’ and we hope and plan to continue with that record of achievement.